Screen Printing
July 2022Under the expert guidance of Daniel Orlando Ramirez, maestro de serigrafia at the Casa de Cultura Dr Ignacio Mena Rosales, Queretaro QRO Mexico, new work using UK newspaper story headlines is being developed as screen prints. This is work in progress.

Mexican Photobook Layout
June 2022A 1st draft of images has been made bringing together photographs recently taken in Mexico. The working title is Tonatiuh, being the name of the sun god in Aztec mythology and relates to the sun’s passage throughout the day.

Studio Space Queretaro Mexico
May 2022Thanks to the generous support of the museum director Gabriel Horner, a studio space has been made available at the Museo de la Ciudad, Centro Historico, Queretaro 76000 QRO Mexico.

Large Format Printing
March 2022Having resolved specific calibration issues, a reliable workflow has been achieved and accurate large format printing is underway. Epson Enhanced Matte 44inch (189g/m2) inkjet print paper has been selected. This is a neutral paper suitable for running test prints ahead of selecting a specific paper for the image in question.

Monday Market Interview
March 2022An interview was sound recorded this month between Martyn Fox MBE and Ashley Medler at The Saracens Head, Norfolk. Martyn Fox is a retired Keys auctioneer and contributor to Monday Market and Ashley Medler and his family have had a long-standing involvement with Keys. The interview is intended to support the publication Monday Market, documenting recollections of those involved.

The Poetry and Photographs of Diana Gurney (1895-1985)
February 2022Following research into the work of Diana Gurney, a selection of her poems and photographs haveĀ been prepared as initial proposal for publication.