Analog Sparks Film Photography Competition Winner 2023.
September 2023I am pleased to announce that I have won awards in the Analog Sparks 2023 Film Photography competition. This includes the Silver Award in the Photojournalism/Environmental category, the Bronze Award in the Lifestyle/Street category and an Honorable Mention in the Human/Culture category.

Instagram Mexico
August 2023I have started a Mexican Instagram account with an emphasis on black and white analogue or film photography from work made over time with a Leica M6 and Kodak Tri-X film scanned on the Imacon 848 film scanner. It also includes colour digital work, found Mexican post cards and vintage photographs, and various themes including music, horses, dogs and more.

Wilko to close ‘majority of stores’ with loss of thousands of jobs. (The Guardian)
August 2023‘UK retailer, which has about 400 shops, likely to shut some branches ‘in near future’ after no buyer found’…..(The Guardian. Wednesday 23rd August 2023)
How many Wilko stores replaced Woolworths stores following Woolworths’ collapse in 2008/2009?

we are one
May 2023we are one is a newly developed publication bringing together archive material including photographs taken of a TV screen as well as text from fragrance advertising slogans, also from the archive. The publication is a draft version printed by Saal Digital: 21x28cms 62 page silk photo paper photobook. The publication will be available as print on demand.

Imacon 848 film scanning
March 2023The Imacon 848 film scanner has been fully serviced, the work expertly carried out by Stu Culley Photo Services. Film taken in Mexico can now be scanned and edited for possible inclusion in the Mexican publication.

Diana Gurney update (1895-1985)
February 2023Diana Gurney’s poetry and photographs are available to view on request via Dropbox. There are more than 150 poems in all, many remain unpublished. Included is an introductory essay about the author and how her work was discovered. For further information please make contact directly.